11 Minutes In November

Released 9/22/18

Punishment of any kind would
Never wipe the smile off my face
Eleven golden minutes without
Words of self-righteous indignation
That no one needs to know

No one has to know

: : | : :

50% OF ALL PROFITS FROM THIS TRACK WILL BE DONATED TO THE NATIONAL PARKS SOCIETY. This is why the song is a Bandcamp exclusive and not on streaming services where I would receive no compensation from it whatsoever as it clocks under 30 seconds and is not part of a full album. Sheesh...quality over quantity I say!

Watch the lyric video here!

About the song

"Dissent is patriotic." ~ ACLU

On November 2, 2017, Donald Trump's Twitter account was deactivated for eleven minutes with help from contract worker Bahtiyar Duysak on his last day with the company. Whether the incident was inadvertent remains to be proven, but I personally like to believe that this was an act of rebellion against someone who embodies the antithesis of true American democracy, equality, and freedom.

Months prior to the shutdown, Trump ordered the deletion of Twitter pages including (but not limited to) NASA and The National Parks Society, simply for correcting his false climate change data. This is what tyrants do. It is rule by fear, and it is dangerously close to domestic terrorism.

In this case, an eye for an eye was necessary, yet his behavior still has not calmed. Donald Trump needs to be told "No." More importantly, he needs to be ignored. He needs to be silenced. He needs to be unfollowed.

Uphold democracy.
Upheave demagoguery.

FUN FACT: This song keeps my love of the number eleven and its multiples alive and well, and not only in title name, track length, and release date. The eleven snare hits at the beginning are followed by four rounds of 11/4 time, followed immediately by three bars of 11/8 time. Nothing in my work is accidental. Well, except for the stuff that is.