2014 news

Chapters Of Our Lives

This Is All Going To End Badly. is now available! Check out the EP exclusively at Bandcamp. I didn't publicize this effort a whole lot due to the fact that it was really more for me than for mass consumption. As the title may suggest, it isn't really a getting-ready-to-celebrate type of affair, but rather a fitting eulogy for a tumultuous 2013. Before focusing my complete attention on the next (far more hopeful and upbeat) full-length, I felt as though these songs had to be exorcised from my head.

Looking forward, I've decided to break up my releases on the Music section into chapters. Chapter one is me sort of gaining my footing as a solo artist and even dipping my toes into what else I could accomplish with full-band instrumentation. An adolescent phase, I guess. Chapter two is more of an experimental college phase (cue giggling) that had me going off on a lot of different tangents genre-wise and still trying to find my place in the big musical pie. Chapter three will begin with the elusive Two Thirds Of Our Lives, which will be my most cohesive album to date. I've been going about it all wrong; my albums confused and wandering. I've always loved the fact that artists like Björk and Beck can swim effortlessly between styles, yet the key is that each of their albums hold their own individual continuities. I'm hoping against hope that Two Thirds will see an 8/12/14 release date. Cheers, 2014! UPDATE 2017: I took them apart agin because this was pretentious and pointless. Makes more sense to split them up by release type, no??

Are We RECording The New Album?

Some other projects have demanded my attention as of late, so production on Two Thirds Of Our Lives has (surprise, surprise) been halted for a while. I'm taking a bit of a hiatus from shows as well. However, some musical ideas of mine have been thriving over at hitRECord.org including a collaboration for the song, "The Ballad Of Mollie The Secondhand Dollie", which is probably the catchiest thing I've written since "Last Call". I'm still working on demos for the new album here and there, but I'm looking toward more of a late fall release; maybe even early 2015 since I think it would make a damn great spring album.