More Christian Than Christian
[promo single]

Released 12/24/20

You sit there (in worship pose)
Bleating (archaic prose)
Repeating (a stale response)
Until you forget the meaning (and go in hate)
But we don't (religionless)
We live it (and love)
How can He more to us than to you?

You sit there (in Jesus' name)
Attending (spite-fueled campaigns)
Defending (a den of thieves)
The tables must be upended (re-educate)
Judge rightly (appearanceless)
As Christ did (in love)
This is the gospel according to John

Stand up for what's right like He would today

: : | : :

No longer available. Latest version will appear on
Two Thirds Of Our Lives, to be released 2/3/23.

About the song

This song is not anti-Christian. It is anti-hypocrisy.

People who would wear their religion on their sleeve and then behave in ways entirely antithetical to their belief system would do well to keep Christ in Christianity.

I figured the pummeling diminished fifths (the "Devil's Interval") and scathing, demonic (yet ironically Christian-hardcore-style) vocal deliveries were the way to go as they only prove the song's point further regarding my own moral and ethical nature sans religion.

Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!