Upon Their Shoulders 
We didn't have much to our names
A sordid history, and dirty pairs of shoes
No special birthright we could claim
But lives with each other were the only ones we'd choose
So when the lions come
To gnash and bite
We won't be standing on loose boulders
And when the giants come
To boast their height
We will dance upon their shoulders
We walked together through the flames
Lights that provided darkness, and cackled at our youth
Our spirits never fully drained
No one or thing could leave an everlasting bruise
: : | : :
About the song
In addition to contributing a good bit of TLD's back catalogue to the webseries Giants Do Fall, I was also invited to write the project's title theme. Rather than dub it eponymously, I chose "Upon Their Shoulders" as a more thematic and triumphant name. Given some reference material that the director was going for stylistically, I decided to go M83-meets-Peter Gabriel, but like if we all went cosmic bowling.
Given that the film serves to expose and root out child abuse within the foster care system, 50% of all song proceeds on its Bandcamp page will be donated to charities that fight child abuse!